A design + analog printing studio in Los Angeles


design + letterpress printing in Los Angeles, California

a foil stamping workroom

​Here are some behind-the-scenes look into a foil stamping shop in Los Angeles that has been in business for over 50 years. There's nothing cute and frilly about this place. No cute papers and design oriented trinkets. It's all down to business here- machines, stacks of paper, untidy corners, and rolls of foil.  Honestly, I didn't know very much about the process until I had this opportunity to hang out, snap some photos and shop talk.

I'm a Lovely Lady on Emma Dime!
click to see the entire post on emmadime.com​

click to see the entire post on emmadime.com​

It's up and posted!
I can't tell you enough how excited I am about this feature!

Emma approached me about a Lovely Lady spot shortly after I printed our first project together. (Check out her business cards here)  Soon after, it turned into a studio tour complete with all the construction mayhem. My initial reaction: "A video? At my place? But there are people hammering and making all kinds of noise upstairs." Somehow, the story folded in all together- the house, my dog , the press and my story.

Wade Koch  pulled out all the stops with his camera and endured hours of editing to get this just right. His eye and his storytelling through a lens is amazing.  

Thank you Emma Robertson for making this happen!! And all this time you were just down the same street!​

Sit back and take an intimate look into my studio...

Who : Presshaus LA For : Emmadime - Lovely Lady Series Location : Silverlake, CA Song : A Walk by Tycho

san francisco nuptials

My brother got married! I'm so happy for him and his new wife!

My mister and I stretched out the weekend and drove up to San Francisco. Did I mention that we decided to take our new dog with us? I didn't want to, but he did. Our car is now full of dog hair after having a pooch in there for about 10 hours! Ick!

Here are some pictures from the weekend. Having the dog with us made us pullover more often but it was for the better. We did a mini hike through a trail of tall grasses to a body of water. During our stay there, we put on our fancy shoes for the wedding.,I got see my nieces for the first time in 4 years in flower girl dresses, we made a pit stop to Four Barrel Coffee and shopped the thrift stores along Valencia Street, we had Korean BBQ in Oakland with my mom-in-law with our friends and their three adorable daughters. 

We could've done more activities to see the city, but we weren't there for the city; we were there just to relish in the company of family and friends. ​ I love that city. There are so many dimensions to it and no matter how often I go I always seem to discover something new.

The Pomegranate Wedding

Emma and Yosi have a thing for pomegranates.

Sara Jensen is quite the pomegranate design specialist. She's a mommy and a witty graphic designer that has done some textile design using pomegranates as a source of inspiration. (Check it out here)​ Naturally, she designed an awesome invitation suite! It's not shown here, but the finished invitation will be wrapped in that pomegranate fabric tying the entire look together.


The lovely couple also gave me the chance to try out my hand in calligraphy. I hand scribed nearly 100 addressed envelopes with white ink in one day! Yes, my hand was almost about to fall off by the end of it but I saw improvements already from the first envelopes to the last. Practice makes perfect.

​Special thanks to the Emma and Yosi for giving me the chance to work with them on their wedding suite, and to Sara for finding me and for making the introduction. It was such a fun process to work on this project not just because of the design ,but because of the people too.

park baker & sons

This client is exactly why I love meeting clients in person. Sure, in the beginning you typically go back and forth with emails but eventually, I meeting in person is the best way of doing business...at least for me.

Alice works the same way. She'd rather press skin than do the email tag game. She stopped by the studio and right there and then, we chose the paper and designed her layout while she art directed over my shoulder. She told me about her vision for her new bakery shop in LA's Mar Vista area called Park Baker & Sons.

We met up to deliver her cards at the Fairfax Farmers Market and we chatted about food, cooking, bread in Germany, cooking with seasonal fruits and vegetables and of couse, baking. It was so inspiring to listen to someone so enthusiastic about their craft. While I was ranting about paper, she was going on about baking and food. It's so important and infectious to meet other "rule-breakers" that are really into what they do, and to hear their journey on how they got to where they are now.

Yes, it was a pleasure to meet Alice.​

​Park Baker & Son's website