December already! To kick off the crazy holiday month, these lovely friends - Victoria, Jessica and David- shared a cocktail and smilebooth photos at Individual Medley in Atwater Village. (Sorry V + J + D if these are too embarrassing to share) I had too! These are too cute to not share.
It was such a good night of friends + folks + fun!!
Can you blame this dirty face?
It's been raining here these past few days and Bagel's been stuck inside most of the time. Right outside our house, we don't have much landscaping, just dirt and gangly wild growth, so a little rain will make a muddy mess.
I thought we went out fot a tinkle but instead she wanted to come back inside looking like this! I had to snap a photo to share and at least show my husband!!
Here's the latest set of business cards in the works. Can you make out who it's for. If you follow me on instagram, there's a dead giveaway there. More coming very very soon!
I'm so excited to be working on this project!
I've been reading this book by Brene Brown called Daring Greatly. I've only finished the first chapter and already there's something about it that resonates with me. In her Introduction she talks about "guideposts" for Wholehearted Living. Even 2 days after reading this, I'm still thinking about it and learning and trying. Even with the New Year coming ahead, I think I'll keeping referring to this and try to implement it a month early. I hope you take something away from this list too.
Cultivating Authenticity
Letting go of What People Think
Cultivating Self-Compassion
Letting go of Perfectionism
Cultivating a Resilient Spirit
Letting go of Numbing and Powerlessness
Cultivating Gratitude and Joy
Letting Go of Scarcity, Fear of the Dark
Cultivating Intuition and Trusting Faith
Letting Go of the Need for Certainty
Cultivating Creativity
Letting Go of Comparison
Cultivating Play and Rest
Letting Go of Exhaustion as a Status Symbol and Productivity as Self-Worth
Cultivating Calm and Stillness
Letting Go of Anxiety as Lifestyle
Cultivating Meaningful Work
Letting Go of Self-Doubt and "Supposed To"
Cultivating Laughter, Song and Dance
Letting go of Being Cool and "Always in Control"
Giving thanks at home
Grateful for the simple things.
My husband
Being at home in Los Angeles
and each person and print that helps make PresshausLA thrive